Showing posts with label healthy food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy food. Show all posts

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Environmental Health ...Now

solar energy, the nuclear reactor in the sky.

 We have lived off grid in central British Columbia for 26 years. Growing our food, living and using the sun's energy to survive.

bushcraft garden, survival garden


Politicians in North America lie, cheat and have no respect for the people. We've been hearing over and over, year in, year out the same talk about what they are going to do about the degradation and corruption facing the planet. A guy comes along with a track record of exemplary work for the environment, throws his hat into the cesspool to help and everyone shits on him. Damn.

Fresh clean air, water, food....and a safe environment.

clean food free of contaminates

If you want to know what  Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stands for watch and listen to this recording of him speaking at the Seventh annual Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Lecture in Public Health Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, 15 years ago. It was a tribute to him.

Environmental Health and Demnocracy with RFK Jr.

If you want to find out more about the man today watch Math Hoffa's podcast

Truth is like a swamp.

In search for truth.


Aki and Scott